Monday, August 18, 2008

Reading Roundup - August 18

Somehow the featured menu item doesn't sound all that appetizing. Bob's peach cobbler looks much more appetizing.

I just saw a commercial on TV that said that the Today Show was going to be showing something about Roots pretty soon. You know how it is -- you aren't really paying attention to the commercials, but then something comes on that catches your attention, but you've missed the heart of the commercial. Since they were showing a "tree" in the graphic, I'm going to assume that Matt and Meredith (I did catch their names) are going to have a genealogical segment sometime in the not too distant future. I couldn't find anything at the Today Show site yet, but maybe they'll put a "plug" for the segment online.

The 54th Carnival of Genealogy is posted at What's Past Is Prologue. The theme for the 55th edition will be "Show and Tell" and details are at the end of the post.

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