Today's Tuesday Thingers question is:
What other weekly memes or round robins do you participate in? Is this the only one? Why Tuesday Thingers and not some other weekly Tuesday meme? Or do you do more than one?
The only other weekly meme in which I sometimes participate is Wordless Wednesday. I do participate in some monthly and semi-monthly ones such as the Carnival of Genealogy and in some of the book challenges.
Why Tuesday Thingers? Because I love LibraryThing and I love books!
Tuesday Thingers is the only Tuesday meme in which I participate.
What other weekly memes or round robins do you participate in? Is this the only one? Why Tuesday Thingers and not some other weekly Tuesday meme? Or do you do more than one?
The only other weekly meme in which I sometimes participate is Wordless Wednesday. I do participate in some monthly and semi-monthly ones such as the Carnival of Genealogy and in some of the book challenges.
Why Tuesday Thingers? Because I love LibraryThing and I love books!
Tuesday Thingers is the only Tuesday meme in which I participate.
Thanks, I never knew there were so many memes! I am running a series "Tuesday Tales" - reports from CGS member Mary Mettler, who is on a three-and-a-half month, dream-genealogy research trip across the country. Does that qualify?
California Genealogical Society and Library blog
I guess it does (at least for 3.5 months).
If I may ask, what is wordless wednesday? I'm not sure I've run across that.
I actually hit the reply too quickly on this. I had gotten distracted and thought I'd finished my reply. What I meant to add was that it is a meme only if other people follow your lead in posting "tales" on Tuesday.
Wordless Wednesday is a picture meme where bloggers post a photo and usually let the picture speak for itself. Sometimes in the heading there will be a small description of the photo, but that's it.
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